What is World Malbec Day?On April 17th, 1853, president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento of Argentina announced his decision to revitalize his country's wine industry. French soil expert Michel Aimé Pouget was asked to bring over suitable vines, and of those Malbec was selected. The Mendoza province in Argentina had the perfect climate and soil for these grape vines; and, due to a series of unfortunate phylloxera plagues to hit the French wine industry, by 1956 Argentina had become the only country growing the original Malbec vines of French origin. Today Malbec has become Argentina's most recognized variety, and is synonymous with Argentine wine. In 2011 the industry group Wines of Argentina decreed Malbec World Day to take place on April 17th in recognition of the growing popularity of the Malbec variety in the United States and elsewhere, and as a tribute to the bill Sarmiento introduced on this day. Since then events and tastings have been held in cities around the world on April 17th to celebrate Argentine Malbec.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
19th Century Wine Producers in Argentina Malbec Grapes
Did you know?Argentina is as far away from Shanghai as you can possibly get! The point on the surface of the Earth on the direct opposite side, the antipode, comes out near the border between Argentina and Uruguay. Great wine from a world away, literally…
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Happy Malbec World Day! |